So. I've had an idea.
I've been wanting to make a choose your own adventure style game for a good while now, at least a year. It'd be set in a reclaimed mid-gentrification mining town on the edge of the galaxy, focusing around working with your fellow organizers and being gay and trying to deal with an unstoppable threat. I don't super know how to code though.
So I'm writing something small in the same universe on this website.
It won't feature a skill system, like I'd want to put in the full game. There's not going to be two different backgrounds for your character, or long-term choices, or kinky gay sex with a transfem barista heading up a free cafe that's a hub for mutual aid organizing.
There WILL be a Robotgirl. And an empty spaceship hold. And a dangerous mission into the depths of an unknown starcraft in order to rig a bomb strong enough to close a wormhole seeping out creatures from a universe wholely disconnected from our own.
watch out for these too!